The use of drones by front line services – police special

This international seminar is about drones in the context of policing and the use of drones (UAVs) by frontline services. The police force is increasingly adopting the use of drones in their service for various tasks, for the surveillance of demonstrations, airports, railway facilities and road traffic, the recording of accidents and crime scenes or the pursuit and identification of criminals or to find missing persons.

Drones can also be used as a tool to support police work in emergencies and disaster areas to gain an overview and save lives. These different uses and threats will be addressed and discussed in the seminar.

Lectures by international experts, exchange of experience, best practice examples, operational situations and demonstrations as well as practical training sessions (Basic and Obstructed Course) are part of the programme.

Seminar Chair:
Damian Crummey, Ireland, IEB International Police Association (IPA)
John Kuch, International Emergency Drone Organization (IEDO)

Seminar number: 24/36
Start: 30.09.2024 at 10:45
End: 04.10.2024 at 13:00
Course fees IPA: 365,00 €
Course fees non-IPA: 495,00 €