HEAT for Police Officers in International Missions -surviving hostile environments

The seminar is aimed at participants who intend to perform their duties as part of a police deployment abroad. Living and working in a crisis area poses special challenges. This newly designed training format takes these problems into account.

Tactical Survival Concepts has already prepared almost 2,000 course participants for their demanding work in war and crisis zones within the framework of their Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) on behalf of the German government; for several years in successful cooperation with IBZ Schloss Gimborn.

The experience gained has been transferred to the police context and core areas have been specially tailored to the needs of the participants. The topics include behaviour in the event of an abduction, military checkpoints, mines, explosives, booby traps and tactical first aid.

Seminar number: 24/41
Start: 28.10.2024 at 09:00
End: 30.10.2024 at 15:00
Course fees IPA: 695,00 €
Course fees non-IPA: 595,00 €